Contact Us

Confidential and No Cost Service

Choices Medical Clinic
Address: 538 S Bleckley Dr, Wichita, KS 67218
Phone: 316-687-2792
Fax: 316-687-4486
Hours: Mon 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Tues-Fri 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a fee?

All our services are provided at no cost to you. We are a Christian, nonprofit clinic and are completely funded by churches and people who care about you.

Is everything confidential?

Confidentiality is extremely important to us.  Like all medical clinics, we are bound by HIPAA regulations.  All your information is held in complete confidence unless we are required by Kansas law to report a specific issue to the proper authorities.

Am I really pregnant?

We do free clinical pregnancy tests that can be read in only 3 minutes. A positive test can show up as early as 1 day after a missed period.

What about a sonogram?

A sonogram may be offered to you after a brief interview with one of the medical team. It can tell you how far along you are in the pregnancy, and allow you to see your baby for the first time and hear his or her heartbeat. A sonogram can also typically confirm if the baby is developing in the uterus.

What If I have regret from taking abortion pills?

Regret taking the abortion pill? It may not be too late! Call 1-877-558-0333 right away for more information.

What if I have other questions?

We have access to free or reduced cost legal help, adoption services, prenatal care, professional counseling and so much more for our patients. Please contact us or stop by for a visit!

If I've already had an abortion, what should I do?

You are welcome to come in and meet with one of our counselors. We offer a nonjudgemental, listening ear and have a variety of resources for ongoing support.

If I am a minor will you tell my parents?

We keep all information confidential except what Kansas law requires us to report to the proper authorities.

What about fathers?

We love fathers! They play such an important role in the life of their partner and baby during the pregnancy. If you’re interested, we have excellent referrals for fathers.

What If I've used drugs/alcohol during my pregnancy?

We appreciate your concern for the safety of your baby.  The chemical effect/impact on babies is varied.  We can offer medical information and refer you for further care and testing if needed.

How do I schedule an appointment?

You can call, text or email us at any time.  Walk-ins are welcome for pregnancy tests and consultations; however, you will need to speak with one of our medical team to schedule a sonogram.  We look forward to meeting you!